Leaders and organizations invest much to improve management skills and technical knowledge. These include planning, project management, monitoring and other skills.
But leadership is also a “people business.” To produce results, leaders must unlock influence. When team members know their leaders are trustworthy, they are willing to stretch themselves voluntarily for their leaders and their organizations.
Leading with emotional intelligence closes this gap. Emotional intelligence is more than a mindset. It’s a complete set of skills and tools leaders can and should use daily. With emotional intelligence, communication and employee engagement are better. Turnover is lower. The team is more solid and productive. In short, emotional intelligence is an investment that delivers.
Are you making it a priority for yourself and your organization? Bring your leadership to the next level. Join Leading with EQ, the interactive training seminar from Guthrie-Jensen.
- Recognize the benefits of EQ in personal and leadership development
- Understand the four domains of EQ and use them to handle leadership challenges
- Develop emotional quotient competencies
- Identify EQ strengths and weaknesses
- Use appropriate EQ competencies in exercising leadership styles to achieve better results
- Use EQ to communicate more effectively and resolve conflicts more smoothly
- Help build a workforce culture that consistently delivers results through effective work relationships
- Create a developmental plan of action that strengthens EQ skills