
Impressive In-Store Selling

“45% of customers say they are likely to spend more if the sales associate is helpful, according to market research. On the other hand, 18% of customers will walk out of the store if they don’t like the attitude of the sales associate.”
Providing Personalized Customer Service
National Retail Institute

Customers are not only influenced by your products or your merchandising. They are largely influenced by your people.

In this day and age where retail stores are lined up one beside another, you have to make sure that customer, who already has their foot inside your door, will leave with a purchase.

With Guthrie-Jensen’s Impressive In-Store Selling Training, participants will:

  • Appeal to the psychology of buyers
  • Influence buying decisions and not just order-take
  • Impress customers within the first 5 seconds of entry into the store
  • Maximize the value of merchandising
  • Deal with waiting customers’
  • Avoid the hard-sell and other turn-offs
  • Recognize frequent customers
  • Read and anticipate customer signals
  • Encourage conversation
  • Probe effectively to sell successfully
  • Practice suggestive selling
  • Deal with objections, out-of-stock situations and other problem scenarios
  • Read buying signals
  • Practice closing techniques
  • Create a lasting positive impact on the customer

This program is designed for store personnel, their supervisors and managers.


“I enjoyed the whole program because it definitely changed my outlook on so many things. I know that I can apply everything I learned not just in my present job but also in my future jobs and my present lifestyle.”
Katrina Isabel Roco – Manager, Folded and Hung

“Inspiring.. very!”
Sherlyn Guiab – Store Manager, Folded and Hung

“I would like to tell to the public that whenever they need a seminar, they should consult Guthrie-Jensen for them to experience and witness what I’m talking about. You would be able to improve more on yourself, in terms of selling capabilities. You’ll also change in terms of your attitudes on how you will deal and assist customers.

In this program, it will increase your curiosity (will arouse your curiosity) in terms catching up information, details about it. All that I can say was excellent!”
Mary Grace Ceriola – Promo, Rainflower Corporation

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