In today’s tough landscape, organizations and their people must move fast.
They must be ready to make tough decisions, and professionals from top to bottom must be aligned with the corporate direction. But oftentimes, many organizations experience a gridlock or slowdown. Why? Because only top management sees the big picture and appreciates the direction of the entire business. The result: misalignment, and worse, customer dissatisfaction.
Professionals at the supervisory and staff level are zero-distance to customers. As front-liners, they are the ones who implement the vision and strategies of management. They, too, must think like CEO’s. They must be business savvy!
After all, they know the realities, challenges – and opportunities on the ground. Hence, they must also fully understand the business, and be fully equipped to make the right decisions on the ground. Likewise, given their perspective, they have the unique opportunity to provide inputs and provide suggestions that would improve operations. But – only if they are equipped by management.
This is where business acumen comes in. For these reasons, we at Guthrie-Jensen developed the program, BUSINESS ACUMEN: The Business Savvy Professional.
- Develop a CEO mindset: See the big picture, appreciate how businesses work and further appreciate one’s role in the growth, competitiveness, and profitability of their respective businesses
- Further appreciate top management direction and translate them into concrete tactics at the team level
- Identify areas for improvement in the business/operations and gain skill and confidence in expressing them –
- Strengthen the business perspective, enabling participants to consistently focus on activities/priorities that add value to the business
- Contribute to the customer-centricity of the organization
- Reinforce the competitive advantage of the organization by supporting supervisory and staff-level/frontline professionals

- Staff-level professionals, supervisors and team leaders
- Professionals being groomed for leadership positions
- Professionals wanting to understand how business works and how they can further contribute to the growth of their business.